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Impacts of Waste on Soil 

The impact of waste to the soil is a process in which the land is invaded by chemical substances, causing the potential of land production to decline and the quality of products to deteriorate, which can cause harm to humans, animals and plants. Different pollutants can affect the soil in different ways. Below are some of the most common soil pollutants generated from waste: 

  • Wasted Tyres

The storage of wasted tyre in soil promotes the growth of pests and insects, causing not only a high risk of fire but also an environmental impact due to uncontrolled emissions of potentially harmful compounds into the soil. Also, wasted tyre has the risk of toxicity and a potential storage of explosive gases if they are disposed in landfills.

  • Heavy Metals

Heavy metals stored in soils cause a serious threat to the health of animals and human beings. For example, the chronic effects of Cd dust or aerosol particulate matter through soil ingestion consist of lung cancer, pulmonary adenocarcinomas, prostatic proliferative lesions, bone fractures, kidney dysfunction, and hypertension, while chronic exposure to As dust can have adverse effects such as dermal lesions, peripheral neuropathy, skin cancer, and peripheral vascular disease.

  • Kitchen Garbage 

The disposal places we choose for our kitchen garbage easily attract flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, etc., which spread germs and produce odor, which seriously affects human health and city appearance. 


In partnership with the 2019 Water Towns Environmental Film and Arts Festival and Duke Kunshan University, we, the students of Environmental Chemistry ( CHEM 120), studied and analyzed the science behind the DKU sustainability pledge to spread awareness on the impacts of Waste on air, water and soil and the different ways students at DKU can get involved. 


T: 123-456-7890

F: 123-456-7890


Duke Kunshan University

CHEM 120: Core Concepts of Chemistry

2019 Water Towns Environmental Film and Arts Festival


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